Monday, March 30, 2015

Challenger Spotlight and Fit Club #2

This past week just had me radiating on so many different levels.  It was just one of those weeks that so many of the awesome people I work with kicked some major butt.  I can't tell you how amazing it feels to receive messages or calls that you have helped change someone's life or to see someone making progress towards their goals ... there is just nothing like it!  As you know, I love to spotlight one challenger every week who is working hard to change their health.  I just love giving shout outs to those who are rocking it in our accountability groups.
This week I want to highlight, not only an amazing woman, but one of my good friends.  I want to shine a spot light on my girl Tianna!  Tianna and I met, when she fell in love with a friend of mine and we immediately connected.  I was fortunate enough to be in their wedding and this past October, they were blessed with their new baby boy - Cole.  Ever since I've known Tianna, she has talked about being a mom, so it brings me so much joy to see her fulfil this dream.  Just because she loves that little boy, doesn't mean she isn't struggling with all the same stuff new moms struggle with.  She is tired, feeling frustrated with her progress, finding it hard to make time for herself, etc.  Tianna also has a history of digestive issues and has been having those post baby as well.  Together we are working to set small goals that will begin to make her feel better.  She is implementing small changes and focusing on her nutrition.  This week paid off and she lost 2.4 lbs :)  She is ready to charge the Biggest Loser Challenge on April 6th with the support of a meal/fitness plan and her accountability group.  She'll also be kicking off the challenge with a 3 day cleanse.  Girl I'm so proud of the progress you're making and the commitments you have to your health.  I just know you are going to see all kinds of progress in April.  Keep up the great work girl and keep shining!!
This week also marks my second Strong in Seattle Fit Club, and it was a great one!  We went on a hike at Heybrook Ridge and Lookout Tower, which offered some amazing views.  It was a great day for a hike and we got in about 2.6 miles.  The perfect length for my first hike post surgery!  At points I felt winded but overall I felt pretty strong!  At  the top of our hike there was a lookout tower, which offered some more epic views (and a great 7 story stair climb!).  It's days like this that I still can't believe I live here!  There is breathtaking beauty everywhere and I feel so blessed.  It was a fantastic day in the woods with some fantastic girls  :)

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