Monday, April 6, 2015

Epic - Revitalizing Weekend!

This weekend was nothing short of incredible.  Although, it was only a 24 hour get away, it filled my mind, body and spirit on so many levels! 
Last week I had a really powerful Reiki session.  One thing she shared with me was that I needed to get away on a vacation.  She didn't say where or for how long, but she did say, you are at your most peaceful on a beach - next to the ocean - with the sun shining on her face.  That is definitely a true statement!  She told me I needed to go on a get away now to sort through some personal growth items I'm currently working through.  I left there thinking, "Well yeah it would be great to go on vacation right now but financially, that's just not an option."  I instantly interpreted what she was saying as me needed to go on a big, island get away - because those are my favorite kind :)  I put it out into the universe that a get away would be great and left it at that ....
The next day I spoke with my bestie, Meg, and she also said that she needed a get away and started talking about more of a local get away.  The way things just started falling into place, to pull us exactly where we needed to be was amazing and powerful!  I learned that I can adventure right in my very back yard to get absolutely everything I need and more! 
We headed over to Orcas Island which is a short drive and ferry ride away (I love I live somewhere that I can hop on a ferry!)  We stayed in the cutest little cabin right on the ocean and I really wanted to stay longer.  There was a really cool little town with shops, bars and restaurants.  After a great dinner right on the water we hit up a unique bar with tons of character and homemade cocktails.  We topped off the night with a soak in the hot tub under the stars and some quality bonding time.

Day 2 we headed into Moran State Park, which held
some pretty extraordinary beauty including pristine nature, waterfalls and the highest point on the Islands, Mt. Constitution.  Looking over everything you can't help but feel infused with a life and energy that is undeniable.  I went on this trip with an intention of connecting with my higher self and setting my intentions for my life moving forward and that's exactly what I did.  At the top of this mountain I burned a list of my intentions as a symbolic means of moving forward and beginning to manifest my dreams into reality.

I am so excited for the life I have in front of my and the amazing blessings I know are coming my way!!  2015 is going to be a very big year for me, I can see it and feel it!  What a great feeling :)

If you'd like to see all of the great pics from my outing at Orcas Island, feel free to head on over to my Facebook page and take a look


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