Monday, April 13, 2015

Radiating Awesome Energy and Changing Lives!

This week was such an incredibly powerful one!  I am in the middle of yet another spiritual shift, and there are so many profound things happening in my life.  I have really been connecting to Reiki and meditation.  For those of you who are not familiar with Reiki, it is a Japanese word used to describe a system of healing that is based on energy. 

Rei - is the term used to describe the creative mind and the creative expression of "God."  Everything is Rei; all that you see, smell, taste, touch, feel and hear.  Rei is creation and simultaneously you know within your heart you are part of it.

Ki - is the  vital energy that fuels creation, Life Force Energy.  Ki powers the motion of the universe. It is the force that animates everything from a field mouse to an exploding star.  It is also known in other traditions as prana or chi.  Ki flows through our channels in our electromagnetic bodies supplying us, literally, with our life force energy. 

In essence, Reiki is love.  It can be highly effective in treating:  Stress, anxiety, issues from the past, releasing pain, connecting with yourself, eliminating disease, and so much more. 

I have known for a number of years that I was put on this planet to be a healer.  I became a certified massage therapist after I received the message I was a healer in Maui, while receiving a massage on the beach.  This was no ordinary massage though, he used a didgeridoo to send healing vibrations all over my body, which put me into a profound state of relaxation.  I left that session knowing I was supposed to heal people on some level.  After I received my certification, I went on to work at a few spas but that was never my calling.  I loved the connection I made with my clients and especially loved performing reflexology. 
I moved on from doing massage as a career because it was exhausting and hard to make a living from.  It started to drain my passion and I knew it was time to move on. 
I am currently a health coach with a mind, body, spirit approach.  I love to help my clients really thrive on all levels and that includes work in many areas of their life.  I have found my way into this new modality of healing, and it has opening so many doors for me.  It has also put me on the path to being the healthiest I've ever been physically and mentally. 
I have now known for some time that something else was going to present itself to me ... I could just feel it!!  I knew there was still something I was supposed to be doing and again I have received the message loud and clear!!  I have now been called to become a Reiki instructor and I couldn't be more excited.
I will be taking Reiki One next month with my Reiki mentor, Loretta Brown in Seattle.  I have no doubt that this will open so many spiritual doors for me and I just can't wait to see where this takes me.  Stay tuned for updates on my spiritual journey :)

Because of this powerful shift, I'm noticing so many blessings in my business too.  My clients are really pumped and charging their health!  There is an awesome energy going on right now and people are just straight up kicking butt!!!  This week I could not select just one Challenger of the Week because so many of them are rocking.  I want to give a shout out to 4 very special people this week:

* Christine Spies - Just kicked off April with the 3 Day Refresh and dropped 3.8lbs and fit into an old pair of jeans ... how exciting is that!! I know we all have an old pair of jeans we'd love to fit into!
* April - Just flew out of the gates and week one with her new health plan, lost 6lbs!!  She even had a birthday this week!!  Girl I'm so proud of you - keep up the amazing work!!
* Tianna - Not to be outdone, Tianna rocked week one of her plan too, losing 6.7 lbs!!  Wow girl :)!!  Tianna just had a baby in Oct and is really dedicated to feeling like herself again.  I admire your determination and know you are going to crush your goals!!
* Carlos - He is just my hero :)  Carlos has a really huge goal of losing 100lbs and I'm so pumped to say he's just about half way there!  He is so motivating and inspiring it fills my heart weekly!  We talk every week and every week I'm just so proud of his determination!! 

Nothing compares to seeing these amazing people conquer their excuses and their goals!!  Is it always easy? No!  But they all have and amazing fitness plan, nutritional plan and support!!

Do you want to create YOUR success story?  Don't wait a second more!!  Start taking one step at a time today - you don't have to do it alone!  Reach out to me at

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