Friday, April 17, 2015

Get Up, Get Outside and Get Curious

Today was another amazing Seattle Fit Club adventure day!  I just have to say, I'm totally in love with  this book that I bought, called Seattle Stairway Walks.

I figured it would be a great way to workout but little did I know just how cool it would be!  It's not only an awesome workout but it's been a great way to explore new parts of the city.  Every time I do one of these, I fall in love with this city even more.  There are so many hidden gems, secrets and nature throughout this big city.  I think today was my favorite one yet!  It was called the Mount Baker Loop.  It was a 2.4 miles, took about 1.5hrs and gave us 569 steps down and 372 steps up.  It was a great workout but what was even cooler were some of the views ... they were some of the best yet!!  If you'd like to see all of the pictures, you can do so on my fitness page at 

Have you ever experienced the feeling that you on the right path and on the verge of a life you've only dreamed of?  If you haven't, this lifetime is too short not to go for it!  What are you passionate about?  What do you envision when you allow yourself to dream?  What are the things you've always wanted to do?  Coming from someone who was on the complete wrong path and very self destructive - to now being someone who is this being who radiates health, love and light .... it's so worth it!  It's been close to 5 years of intense personal development and the willingness to get really uncomfortable in order to grow.  It starts with loving yourself and knowing YOU ARE WORTH IT!! 
Sending positivity and love to everyone reading this :)
If you are in the Seattle area and would like more information on my free fit club, please email me at or send me a friend request at
We're going to be getting outside - doing some really awesome things this summer and we'd love to have you join us! 

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