Monday, April 20, 2015

What Do You Mean I'm Human?

Well as many of you now know, I donated half of my liver to my step father on 1/26/15.  Since then, I really can't complain about anything progress wise because I am doing great!  They say when you hit that 2 month mark you feel like a new person and boy were they right!  I noticed so much happening at that 2 month mark.  I noticed myself getting stronger, a lot more energy, more clarity, increased endurance ... I was really just starting to feel like ME again! 

With that being said, I have still really been listening to my body and taking it one day at a time.  I started easing into my workouts at the 5 week mark, but they were very gentle and modified.  I never pushed myself past my limits or went against the advice of my doctors.  I knew where my limitations were so I pushed them slightly but never in a reckless manner.

Each week, I push myself a little more and have been on a really great path - feeling just a little stronger everyday.  My surgery was done laproscopically, so my abdominals were not cut and I've never had any issues with my incision, so in these aspects, I've been extremely lucky!  I've had no issues with doing any of my kick boxing workouts, interval training or hiking.  Believe it or not, the most challenging practice to get back into has been my yoga.  So many people think yoga is really gentle and it should be easier then those other high intensity workouts but I beg to differ!  Yoga is an incredible workout for strength and flexibility.  Every move focuses on your core and toning your body.  The core work, bending and twisting has been where I really need to listen to my body, modify and go at MY pace.  With that being said, yoga also makes me feel my best!  It helps me to connect to myself and reduce pain I have from other issues.  It really helps me on all levels, so I've been eager to get back to it. 

On Saturday, I completed a great yoga session that had me feeling wonderful and I went on about my day.  I was out all day walking around and felt completely fine.  That night I came home and was sitting on my couch doing some work on my computer.  Out of no where I started to get a good amount of pain around my incision.  Even though I had done yoga hours ago, it was showing up now.  I'm sure it was from all of the stretching and there being some scar tissue present that I need to work through. 

Since I haven't had any set backs like this, it was a humbling reminder that my body is still very much healing and I need to respect that.  I've backed off my activity, other then some minor walking, for a few days so I can focus on healing.  I received the message loud and clear :)

It's also time to brag about some very special challengers - who made some really great progress last week!!  You guys know me, there is nothing I love more then to brag about the people around me who are working really hard to change their lives!!  Nothing is more inspiring to me :)  This week we celebrate these 3 incredible women:

* Ashlie - Dropped 1 whole pant size!  Ashlie has been working so hard to implement healthy habits into her life and also eliminate others that are no longer serving her.  She walked a total of 15 miles this week and has also been putting a lot of time into getting her vegetable garden ready.  Nothing better then being able to go into your backyard to pick your fresh produce!  Keep up the awesome healthy work girl! 

* Tianna - Yep this isn't the first time you're hearing her name lately and certainly not the last!!  Tianna is charging her health right now after having her precious son in October.  I admire T so much because she has really not had an easy road.  She had a rough pregnancy, and a rough post partum.  She is working through a lot of health obstacles to get back to feeling like her again ... and even more awesome :)  She is following her meal plan, getting in her workouts and plugging into her accountability group and is now down 8.7lbs!!  Girl you are KILLING it and I'm SO proud of you!!

* Aimee - Last, but definitely not least, is Aimee.  Aimee has my heart this week, not gonna lie!  Aimee has been investing in herself big time!  She has seen a lot of progress but she has also seen a lot of frustration and self doubt.  She is getting to the root of what she needs to work on to free herself and that's the hardest work of all!  However, the hardest work is the most worthwhile and Aimee's hard work is starting to pay off!  She just started a new adventure with T25 and is loving it!  She is also eating well, investing in her personal development and checking in with her accountability partner regularly!  She is setting herself up to win :)  I'm so proud of all of the hard work you've done to get her Aimee  - don't you ever stop!!

Are you wanting to create YOUR success story but don't know where to start, please reach out to me at or

You don't have to do it alone and it doesn't have to be so hard :)

1 comment:

  1. Though India is the origin of yoga, the practice has been drawing admirers in scores since time immemorial. This form of exercise has a very intriguing history.

    200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India
