Thursday, March 19, 2015

My New Volunteer Adventure

Some of you may have seen my post on social media earlier regarding a meeting I was going to.  I also eluded to new things being on the horizon.  Let me start by giving you a little back story.  Volunteering has always been a part of my life and my nature.  I have done various things like candy striper at a hospital when I was younger, donating time at pantry's or soup kitchens, trips to donate time helping those less fortunate, outdoor work, etc. 

It was always irregular and very random because I was typically working a lot of hours and short on time.  When I started my business I told myself, "As soon as I'm able, I'm going to make volunteer work a regular part of my routine."  Not only does giving back help me to feel amazing but I also want to make an impact.  I decided in the Fall that it was time to start looking for somewhere I wanted to volunteer.  I knew I would wait until after I was healed from my surgery but I wanted narrow down some places I was interested in.  I looked at all different kinds of places and opportunities, but nothing called out to me.  I put out into the universe that I was looking for an opportunity and asked for guidance to point me  in the right direction.  Well a few weeks ago ... the answer came.

I was doing some research and stumbled upon something familiar from my past.  The more I started to dig and do some research, the more I realized that this opportunity really had everything I was looking for.  When considering opportunities I really wanted:  To be in a position to mentor and motivate others, teach others about health and wellness, make an impact on lives and the community, have the opportunity to get outdoors, have the opportunity to try new things and something that felt rewarding.  This opportunity had it all! 
The organization I will be volunteering for is .... Girl Scouts of America!  The meeting I had today was an area director and the girl I will be running a troop with.

This struck me as the right opportunity for a few reasons.  One, I was involved with this organization as a young girl and I have really fond memories, especially when my mom was my troop leader :)  I was a Daisy, Brownie and Girl Scout!  I remember we had a lot of fun but we also learned a lot and gained many life tools like:  Sharing, giving back, being independent, the importance of exploring, positive self image, etc.  What I love most about this organization is what it stands for and the message it's teaching young women.  Statistically speaking, girls who engage in Girl Scouts are less likely to engaged in bullying (on either end), have a more positive self image, are more independent, are happy and balanced, sociable, and much more.  Not only do they learn these skills at a young, impressionable age, but they carry them into life as young women who have the skills to change the world!  I am so excited to play a role in helping young women see that they are beautiful just the way they are, to approach the world with love, to be a unique individual and follow their hearts. 
I am looking forward to starting this new positive adventure!
I will be starting as a Daisy Co-Leader, which is making me nervous and I see as a good thing all at the same time lol!  I'm nervous because of the young age, they will all be kindergarteners!  What's good about it is, they will be too young to have any expectations :)  It will be a great opportunity to get my feet wet and learn.  Ultimately I see myself mentoring young women (middle school and up) and possibly getting involved in their journey's program, where they go on various adventures.   Exploring, mentoring, inspiring, giving back ... right up my alley!  Daisy's here I come ... wish me luck!!

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