Sunday, March 22, 2015

Why I Absolutely Love Sundays!

There are countless reasons to love Sunday's right?  I know for me, Sunday's is a great day for me on so many levels.  Not only do I get prepared for my week ahead and set my goals for what I would like to accomplish, but more importantly, it's the day we celebrate our weekly success in my accountability groups.  I just LOVE hearing what awesome things the challengers have accomplished!  Yes we track our physical progress, but that's not all.  We track all kinds of success like:  If we get farther in our workouts, when we do a full burpee for the first time, how we feel in our clothes, if we get a compliment ... these are all awesome reasons to celebrate!!  Each week we celebrate our success, discuss our struggles and set a plan for the new week.

Each week I also like to pick a Challenger of the Week and do a spotlight on all their hard work!  This week is no exception.  This week I'm shining the spot light on a challenger that never gives up ... her determination is inspiring and infectious!  Her name is Jennifer and she is a rock star :) 
Jennifer is a hard working mom of two beautiful children, a daughter and son, and is an amazing wife as well.  She would be the first to admit to you that she is super busy and that definitely causes obstacles in staying on track with her health plan.  I'm sure you busy, working moms out there can relate!  You start off with the best intentions, then life happens and day after day you find yourself putting YOU last.  I'm so proud of Jennifer because she has really been investing in herself and the mindsets that go along with being successful and she just KILLED this last month!  She was on track the entire time with her fitness and her nutrition, had a great attitude and was committed to reaching her goals.  I have seen her work so hard over this past year on making progress and she made all kinds of that this month!  Because of all her hard work, she is down 9lbs!!  Girl I'm so proud of you and I can't wait to see what you do in April with this mindset.  Keep up the amazing work :)

It truly is the right combination of fitness, nutrition and support that is going to get you to your goals.  You can't just engage in one area and expect to get there and stay there.  Jennifer has been plugging into this system and seeing great success - right along with the rest of us :)  I joined my first accountability group, 4 years ago this month and haven't turned back! 
If you are looking to change your life on any level, it's important to have a plan in place.  I take on a mind, body and soul approach to coaching.  Where you start all just depends where you are currently at in your life.  I do run various online groups online, both health and mind, body & soul related, but I'm also excited to announce the launch of my new local, free health group called Strong in Seattle Fit Club.  I'm starting to get a bigger local posse and a bigger demand to get out there and start something we can do as a group, so this is what I came up with.  For anyone in the Seattle area, we are going to get together a few times per week and do various activities around the city.  I'm training for a 3 day, 18 mile hike in September so now through the summer I'm going to focus on stair training and hiking.  Did you know there are hundreds of stair routes in the Seattle area - I have a book and everything.  This will be a great workout, along with a great way to explore the city!  I'm also going to try to do one hike per week as well.  There will be weeks I may not be able to do both but I'm going to shoot for a minimum of one activity for the week.  It's a free group, anyone is welcome, and there are no commitments or obligations.  If you're interested, let me know and I'll add you to the Facebook group I've started.  Our first outing is this Wed where we'll be tackling an awesome stair/walking route.  Can't wait :) 
You can email me at or send me a FB friend request at  

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